About Muvi Foundation


We believe that mere accumulation of knowledge is insufficient. We should be able to imbibe social and economic values and learn to uplift society and the downtrodden.


We believe every being on this earth possess enormous power irrespective of their economic status and their gender. We want to help then realize the abilities and potential which they possess, perhaps for the first time. Realization is the foundation for all great achievements because it boosts confidence, energy, and self-assurance.


We believe in inspiring people to be their best. People watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. So, we want to be a good example. We want to be able to inspire others to achieve, to succeed and to live.


We always looked for ways by which we could give back to the society and to the needy. Hence, Muvi Foundation was started – to inspire, to help, to strengthen, to empower our entire community. We believe in doing our little bit and giving effort. Muvians, with a great deal of determination are on a way to bring happiness and peace.


What is 10% Mantra? Muvi Foundation will use 10% of the profit from Muvi annually for the betterment of humankind. We strongly believe that giving 10% of our profitable income to effective charity programs can make an incredible difference to some of the most deprived people in the world.


Anshuman Das

Anshuman is a serial entrepreneur. He likes discussing ideas – any kind of product, business or technology ideas. He is currently based in New York.

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."



MUVI’s 12th Anniversary was a little special this time. To celebrate the special day, we planned something special.

On a rainy morning, we started around 12 pm and headed towards celebrating the day. We from our MUVI foundation always tried to do good for our society or for someone in our surroundings who is seeking for a help. Because it was MUVI’s 12th Birthday, we thought of celebrating this day with some special children. Yes, it was Bipin Bihari School for Deaf, Bhubaneswar. We were happy to bring smile on the face of 150 students for whom the world is mute. We planned to have a little celebration which started with cutting of cake. Then we distributed a packet of refreshment to every students and staffs.

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Donation of umbrellas to traffic police of Bhubaneswar & Cuttack, and home guards from CM’s residence

It was a sunny day with a temperature that felt like 45 degrees with very high humidity outside. It was difficult to stay in the sunny hot weather for more than 5 minutes. Imagine, people who stand for 8hours a day in this extremely hot weather, sweating, yet controlling the traffic, to make the transportation smoother for the public! Wearing just a hat doesn’t help them to stand in this unbearable temperature. And hence, we from MUVI foundation decided to extend our helping hand towards donating umbrellas to those fighters.

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Muvi Foundation Celebrates a Special Independance Day with Bhima Bhoi School For The Blind

The trees on both sides of the roads were decorated with flowers & light. We could sense the independence in the air by the presence of drums & drills, children’s uniforms, a parade by cadets, & the Indian National flag is ready to be hoisted in every organization & institution. But for us, this independence day was a little special..

It was special because – pupils with whom we celebrated the independence day, the national anthem was playing on a mute mode for them. But they recited it correctly with their sign language. And for some other pupils, the world is dark forever. They don’t know what the flag looks like, what a human being looks like, or what they themselves look like! Yes, we celebrated this independence day with Bhim Bhoi Blind, Deaf & Dumb School, located in the heart of Bhubaneswar. Accommodating around 300+ students from Standard-I to Intermediate(+2), most of them are hostelites. Staying far from their families, trying to work hard, study hard so that they can also have a better life to live!!!

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Muvi Foundation Reaches out to the Transgender Community on Women’s Day

“There’s a saying “There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race — scientifically, anthropologically”.

And we truly believe in humanity beyond any other race. That’s why we thought of extending our help to one of the most ignored groups, ‘Transgenders’ this time. 

We came to know about a small colony of around 35 transgenders consisting of small children who are being ignored by their parents and hatred by society due to their different gender. They live in a slum area based in the heart of the city, Bhubaneswar, yet they are far apart from the basic facilities like having proper clothes, drinking water, a bed, and other amenities. Their life is not so glorious and the living is so minimal that most of the house in that slum area doesn’t even have a light at night. They are struggling with the day to day survival as sometimes they earn nothing at all. 

When we came to know about their situation and wanted to extend our help to them, they were so happy and asked us if we can provide them with some Stand fans and a cooler for their community hall! We were happy to facilitate with them the said commodities.

We wanted to celebrate this women’s day in a special term and this is how we celebrated our women’s day. Every one of them was delightedly blushing and received the fans so happy as this will surely help them during the hot summer days in Bhubaneswar. We felt so privileged to spend some time with them and collected their blessings.”


Winter is always a hard time for those without proper arrangements to cope up with the cold. And to make this situation a bit better for the elderly people, Muvi Foundation has recently executed a donation campaign for an old-age home. There are a lot of old people in the old-age home who are living without proper facilities and Muvi has recently taken this initiative to make their life comfortable in this winter.

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Muvi Foundation organises Blood Donation Camp as part of Annual Week Celebrations

Commemorating Muvi’s foundation month, Muvian’s came together for an evening of fun and frolic as we wrapped up our annual week. As a part of our celebrations and means of giving back to society, Muvi Foundation teamed up with the Indian Red Cross Society, Bhubaneshwar Chapter along with Commissionerate Police, Bhubaneshwar and Cuttack to organise a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ on the 26th of August 2022. 

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Installation of the complete solar panel set up in an old age home

Date: 19th November 2021

After a long break due to this pandemic situation, we organized another foundation activity program. Initially, we thought of spending some time with an old age home but when we came to know about their situation, we couldn’t resist ourselves to help them out from their bad situation.
The old age home is located around 10kms away from Rasulgarh and has around 22 abandoned parents. They all have their own struggle stories and all of them suffered a lot in their life. Few have even lost their mental stability after being betrayed by their own children. By God’s grace, they are somehow being spotted by the owner of the old age home, who is a kind person and runs 3 such old age homes on his own with around 74 people.

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Donating Blankets in a tribal village

After a long break due to the Corona Pandemic, we started our social activity programs again for the society with a good note. This time, we thought of donating some warm clothes to some needy people based outskirts of the city. We started early morning, around 8 am on this cozy winter morning. We took help from Chandaka Police station to locate this tribal village. We were fortunate to get the company of 6 police officers to be with us and being a part of this noble cause.

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PPE Kit donation to Commissionerate Police

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our life with an immediate effect. There is a vast difference between life before six months and now. Many people have lost their lives and jobs, with no certainty when this new normal will become a thing of the past. In these self-quarantining times, the real heroes are the doctors, police personnel, municipality employees who are exposed to this threat every day, and working day and night for the social well-being.

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